The Story Behind the Stocking…
This is the story behind the hand knit Christmas stocking that you see in the above photo. My grandmother, Victoria Servello, also known as Nanny to some of her favorite fans, was a knitter. A. Serious. Knitter. She knit EVERYTHING you could think of, and even a few things that you would never think of, as I just recently learned from one if my cousin’s Facebook posts…I’ll tell you the scoop on that one in person, hehe. Anyway, Nanny was a knitter! And one of her specialties was knitting Christmas stockings for the entire family. And I mean entire…all of her kids, grandkids, spouses, and even great grand kids. When she felt that she was nearing the end of her adventures on this earth, she started knitting extra stockings and giving them to her grandkids. She said she was giving them to us for our future spouses and our future children. I was given two additional ones from her. The tradition is now carried on by one of our cousins that we like to call our Little Nanny, Heather Bauer of Bauer Massage. She is the knitter in the family now and makes any extra Nanny Stockings that are needed (I ended up needing an additional 3 more- who would have known!). Each stocking is a unique one of a kind, but still keeping the ‘Nanny stocking’ look. Everyone in the family has a special handmade Nanny Stocking, and if it’s not an original Nanny Stocking then it is a Little Nanny Stocking, and made with just as much love and tradition as the originals. <3
Here is a picture from one Christmas morning showing just a few.